Do these words check any boxes for you? Slow-burn romance. Spice. Witches. Southern gothic. Modern technology meets magic society. Opposites attract. If all that sounds good to you, you need to read this Her Dreadful Will review (and maybe pick up a copy!).

Note: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review. Her Dreadful Will contains violence and adult content.

The magic system is amazing. The witchcraft and rituals in Her Dreadful Will are extremely well-defined and immersive, to the point that they’re almost another character. Supporting characters have interesting personalities, too, and short story-style chapters, centered on the townspeople Soleil tries to help, really drew me in to the story. I wasn’t a fan of Achan at first, so the early middle dragged for me, but soon I was eager to see what happened next again.
I’d pick up another book from this author anytime.
To learn more about this author, visit Rebecca F. Kennedy’s website.