I’m pleased to say that the Shift of the Seasons charity anthology is out now! All proceeds go to breast cancer research, a cause that’s extremely important to me. Which is why I wrote a Season of the Fae novelette for it that you can’t find anywhere else!
My story, titled The Prince or the Bard? is an MFM “must choose” romance with a puca shifter narrator. Set in a fae high court in Ireland hundreds of years before the events of Revel at the Court of Claws and Lord of the Hollow Court, queen’s maid Laoise (pronounced LEE-shuh, like Alicia without the first A) finds herself caught up in unexpected romance…including a fake dating trope, a swoony bard and a rakish prince. There’s also intrigue and a glimpse of an underwater court!
A big thank you to author MJ Marstens for organizing this anthology!
Have a couple moodboards for this story, too!

And while we’re on the topic, please, please, make sure you and your loved ones are all up to date on their cancer screenings. They truly save lives.
That’s all for now! I’m trying to be a little less negligent with the blog, so you’ll be hearing from me again soon.