Prolific and USA Today bestselling fantasy author Anthea Sharp has just released the hardcover edition of her Into the Darkwood Omnibus. (The ebook version is one of my current reads.) Since we are deep into the Indie Fantasy Addicts Summer Reading Challenge, I thought I’d take a moment to highlight this author.
I first found Anthea Sharp, an American author who lives in the Pacific Northwest, while online book shopping. White as Frost (The Darkwood Trilogy #1; a fairytale retelling, which we all know I love!) came up, and I thought the writing in the sample was excellent. Needless to say, I purchased.
Later, I posted in a FB group asking for indie author recommendations, and guess whose name came up? Anthea Sharp! She writes fairytale retellings, urban fantasy, steampunk and science fantasy, so there’s something there for a wide variety of readers.
While I’ve only just dipped my toe into one of her books (a complimentary copy of Into the Darkwood I received from Book of Matches Media after signing up for the book’s promo tour, a thing I do for bookish kicks!), she is beloved by many, and that’s why she’s the subject of my first indie author spotlight!
(Honestly, why didn’t I think of doing this ages ago?!)

Books by Anthea Sharp Include…
To learn more about this author, visit antheasharp.com.