Note: I received an ARC and am leaving an honest, voluntary review.
What a helpful read this turned out to be! At first, I just found advice applicable to me here and there. Then the nitty gritty of series writing kicked in, and I found myself plotting spin-offs and exit strategies–two things I’d never considered before reading How to Write a Successful Series.
Quotes from multiple sources (usually popular authors) start each chapter in this book, plus some notes from author Helen Scheuerer’s own journal where she recorded her publishing journey. These were helpful little morsels that carried me through the slower earlier chapters, which had information suited for stone cold beginners. Still, I found useful bits within the earlier sections here and there. This often came in the form of questions, such as whether your series has enough characters in it, and caveats (don’t cram too much into book one!). I sometimes wished the author elaborated on how to find the answer to the questions she listed, but it was a lot of food for thought regardless.

Because of the later sections of this book, I’m looking at my series with fresh eyes and a new arsenal of strategies. The two sections I had the most highlights in were “Combatting Series Fatigue” and “Write Nail-Biting Sequels and Later Books.” I also found the Commonly Asked Questions sections helpful. I feel more in command of my series strategy now–including that I now have one!
To learn more about this author, visit helenscheuerer.com.