Hi, all! First off, let me wish you all a peaceful New Year.
I come bearing content. Princess Disasterface now has its first Holiday Special (aptly titled Holiday Special #1), and we now have an illustrated Cast of Characters. One of the lines came out a bit blurred by our witch friend. Gah. Something to fix in the New Year.
I’ve been toying with the idea of creating an actual Princess Disasterface comic book. But where will I find the time? Another resolution, I think.
In other news, I am very slowly putting together a fantasy short story collection to showcase my writing style. Sales of my first novella are NOT exciting (in fact they may still be zero). Building something like a reader base takes time. I doubt I would buy a review-less book from a first-time indie author, either. So the goal is to continue to put out accessible quality content and eventually attract readers. That is the plan, at least!
There’s still a paperback version in the works, too. (You notice my blog posts read like a wish list of completed tasks?!)
I couldn’t be happier that you’re all here with me on my comic(al) adventure, though. Thank you for making Princess Disasterface a part of your free time. It’s been a wonderful year.
Cheers, and a Happy 2020 to you all,